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歌谱:You can say《爱上女主播》主题曲(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:辛晓琪 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

You can say 《女主播的故事》主题曲
C Am
You can say all things must end
C Am Dm
You can smile and even pretend
C Am
And you can turn and walk away so easily
G G7 C
But you can't say, you don't love me anymore
C Am G
You can dream of what might have been
C Am Dm
You can cry for what won't pass again
C Am
And you can say there's every reason you should leave
C G7 C
But you can't say, you don't love me anymore
You can say, I'm right you're wrong
C Am F
You can make your plans to find somebody else
Am F
But I can't believe you can carry on
We know what should be said
But you can't find the worlds Instead you say
Am G C Am G
All things must end You can smile and even pretend
C Am
And you can turn and say you're leaving me for good
G G7 C
But you can't say, you don't love me anymore
C Am
And you can turn and say you're leaving me for good
G G7
But you can't say, you don't love me
G7 C
First just say, you don't love me anymore

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